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6 Key Reasons for Going Longitudinal (following people)

To really understand what is changing and why in feedback management, you have to join up data (that is longitudinally), so that you are ‘following’ individuals.

Here are six reasons the longitudinal approach is a good one!

1) Identify real change

Summary statistics are blunt instruments compared to seeing what is really changing when individual scores are joined up

2) Understand reasons for change

Surveys struggle to explain why things are changing. With MirrorWave, you can see the factors driving change in an individual’s scores- in the words of that individual

3) See what’s working

If an intervention has been taken, you can see how many individuals whose score rose mentioned that as a positive factor

4) Diagnose downstream outcomes

Because MirrorWave is not anonymous, you can see how the sentiment of individuals translates into observable business patterns (like retention; productivity; word of mouth)

5) Ask few questions

Questionnaires can be short because the story of how things are changing is the focus, not a battery of benchmarks

6) Show listening

You can mirror back to people what they said last time